I have been close to many teachers in my life. Firstly, my mother, who taught middle school for over 20 years; 5 aunts and several close friends make up the brain trust of teacher that I know. One thing I have no doubt of is the hard work and preparation required....
It’s that time again. The holiday season can evoke various emotions. The excitement of children looking forward to presents, snow, and school holidays. The concern and worry of parents being able to afford those expectations. Even the dread of the entire season,...
Last year at this time I was planning my daughter’s first birthday party. I felt like I’d waited decades for this event and I was going to get it right. I had been planning for a couple months. Using memosnag, I started by snagging the look I wanted for the party. It...
So you’ve gotten past the first few days of school. Congratulations! Maybe you’ve made some new friends, figured out how to work your new schedule, and are starting to get into the groove of things. But here come the term papers and group projects. Not to mention the...
The concept of memosnag is that your online research process is flawed and can be improved. But are you really a failure if you have 20+ tabs open on your browser? This is what my Chrome window looks like right now, inclusive of the blog I’m writing right now. You...